Автозапчасти » BUICK » 2016 » ENCORE » 1.4L L4 Turbocharged » Выхлопная система » Шланг вентиляции картера (PCV)

DORMAN 46829
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Hose
Base Model or CX Model or CXL Model or Convenience or Leather or Premium
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Hose
Intake Manifold To Turbocharger; Base Model or CX Model or CXL Model or Convenience or Leather or Premium
GM GENUINE 12640659
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Hose
Sport Touring; Trans.Code 6T40; 6 Speed Automatic Trans.; TURBO; SERVICES 12683504; MUST ORD W/PCV 12637666 AND PCV HOSE 12649896; w/ 2 END CONN
GM GENUINE 12687608
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Hose
Sport Touring; w/ 3 END CONNECTORS; Bupyeong 1, Korea Plant Code (BUP)
GM GENUINE 25193343
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Hose
Base Model or CX Model or CXL Model or Convenience or Leather or Premium; WILL NEED TO USE CLAMP 55575956; 10.5mm Diameter
VNE 4014011
Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) Hose
Fits Base Model; CX Model; CXL Model; Convenience; Leather; Premium; Body code JU76; Pipe; With Bypass Valve Tubeor Base Model; CX Model; CXL Model; Convenience; Leather; Premium; Body code JV76; Pipe; With Bypass Valve Tube