Оригинал. TRAKMOTIVE CH8361, Приводной вал CV, От 17970 Руб.
Приводной вал CV
TRAKMOTIVE CH8361 Specifications | |
Abs Tone Ring Included | No |
Axle Nut Head Type | Hex |
Axle Nut Height (IN) | 0.74 |
Axle Nut Height (MM) | 18.9 |
Axle Nut Hex Size (IN) | 1.25 |
Axle Nut Hex Size (MM) | 31.8 |
Axle Nut Included | Yes |
Axle Nut Length (IN) | 1.45 |
Axle Nut Length (MM) | 36.72 |
Axle Nut Locking Type | Self-Lock |
Axle Nut Thread Size | M22*1.5 |
Boot Material | Neoprene |
Inboard Joint Type | Female |
Inboard Shaft Connection Style | Spline |
New Or Remanufactured | New |
Number Of Inboard Splines | 30-2 |
Number of Outboard Splines | 32 |
Outboard Joint Type | Conventional |
Outboard Shaft Connection Style | Spline |
Overall Compressed Length (IN) | 23.62 |
Overall Compressed Length (MM) | 600 |
Overall Extended Length (in) | 26.46 |
Overall Extended Length (mm) | 672 |
Производитель | TRAKMOTIVE |
Оригинальный Номер | CH8361 |
Описание | Приводной вал CV |